My yoga journey started off pretty slow. Although I've spent many evenings at the gym for classes or other workouts over the years, my trips to the yoga room were few and far between.
My main reason for not falling into a yoga routine was simply because I wouldn't allow myself to relax enough to understand the point. My brain tends to not turn off, an anxiety is one of my worst assets. A relaxing yoga class? Yeah, I was too worried about having the right form and position. But on those extra stressful days, I would venture to yoga instead of another class and attempt to relax.
This year, I set one of my new year's resolutions to practice more yoga. It helped that around the time, I discovered my gym's yoga and meditation class. Want to turn the brain chatter off? Sit still in a calm room for 20 minutes, listening to the teacher read meditations. It did the trick, and I started to become hooked.
What I love so much is how it lifts my mood, calms the anxiety or stress, fixes me and recharges me, without needing medicine or anything else. It's helping me get into a more natural place, be more in tune with my brain and myself and just remind me to step back and relax more.
I started incorporating yoga class into my gym routine a bit more often and really enjoy the change of pace. Usually, I enjoy a good class to help wind down after the day, but I took advantage of the weekly 6 a.m. class once. Now, I am NOT a morning person. Waking up at 6:30 is a huge accomplishment in my eyes. Waking up in time to be awake, get dressed and out the door, to the gym and up to the yoga room? I'm pushing myself to the limits! (My secret trick? Lay out the gym clothes and pack the work clothes the night before! Bonus points for putting them IN the bathroom, ready to go.)
I've even attempted to bring yoga practices into my office and house...although, admittedly, I've kind of forgotten about that. But there were a few nice weeks where I would do a few stretches in the middle of the day in my cubicle to get the blood flowing again and stretch my legs. And there were about three mornings where I would get up 15 minutes earlier, go into our back office, and do a few sun salutations. I should probably get back to doing that, especially since I've been feeling pretty scattered for the past few weeks. (Note to self: Keep the yoga up especially when busy!)
I always could do the poses, but now I'm learning the names and how they benefit the body and spirit. I love that when I'm stressed out or frazzled, I make it a point to attend the next yoga class, and really set my mind in the practice. My favorite is still yoga and meditation, since I do yoga more for the mental break than the physical stretching.
This past Monday evening, I was feeling very in need of some meditation and made myself go to yoga class, and it was one of those classes where everything fell into place and made extra sense. Pushing myself harder into downward dog while doing sun salutations. Really focusing on the breathing. Relaxing everything during guided meditation. Losing myself somewhere during savasana pose, then coming back to hearing the song lyrics again. It was the perfect necessary recharge.
This week, I also said goodbye to one of my all-time favorite shows, Mad Men. Having started a career in advertising out of college, there were too many times I related to Peggy to even count. Even after I left the agency life, the show went on and we got closer to the end, but Don's fate wasn't quite predictable. Of all the situations Don has been in, I'm pretty sure his last scene, on a mountain, in a yoga pose, chanting oms, is the last I expected to see.
Finding that inner peace through yoga and then possibly creating one of the most memorable ads of all time? Don, now you're REALLY speaking my language!
But I won't lie to you, his final scene inspired me to get my butt to yoga the next day.
Also, I am officially adding mountainside yoga to my bucket list.
Published in Times of Acadiana
Written for Schwinn Bikes
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